  Reloj calendario estaticoImage Hosted by ImageShack.us
Un estupendo reloj con dia , mes , año y nos indica si es de dia o de noche

<!-- Begin Digital Watch document.write('<!-- Begin Hiding Script -->') /* ###################################################################### ################ SCRIPT BY BURNBLADE ##################### ################ Visit My Site At ##################### ################ http://www.burning.net ##################### ################ © copywrite 1997 ##################### modificado por www.creatupropiaweb.com This script may be used as long as the above lines are not changed in any way. */ var watchID = null var watchRun = false function stopwatch(){ if(watchRun) clearTimeout(watchID) watchRun = false } function startwatch(){ stopwatch() dayTime() } function dayTime() { day = new Date(); hour = day.getHours(); minute = day.getMinutes(); second = day.getSeconds(); if (hour > 12) { hours = hour - 12; part = 'Del Dia'} else { part = 'De la Noche'; if (hour == 0) { hours = 12 } else { hours = hour } } if (minute < 10) {minutes = 0} else {minutes = ""} if (second < 10) {seconds = 0} else {seconds =""} date = ('' +"Mes "+(day.getMonth() + 1)+" Dia "+day.getDate()+ " del año "+day.getYear()+ ''); time = ('' + hours + ":"+minutes+""+minute+ ":"+seconds+""+second+ '') parts = ('' +part+ '') document.timedate.time.value = time document.timedate.date.value = date document.timedate.parts.value = parts watchID = setTimeout("dayTime()",1000) watchRun = true } document.write('<!-- End Hiding Script -->') // End Digital Watch--> </script> <BODY onLoad="startwatch()"> <form name="timedate" onSubmit="0"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr align=center> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="time" SIZE=6 VALUE ="..Starti"></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="parts" SIZE=12 VALUE ="ng.."></td> <td colspan=2><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="date" SIZE=28 VALUE ="........"></td> </tr> </table> </form></CENTER> <!-- Simba says Roar. -->
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